2011 Brisbane


To view a copy of the 2011 program, please click here (7.1Mb PDF).

Speaker Presentations

  • National Disability Insurance Scheme – Where do we fit in?
    A/Prof Fiona Kumari Campbell, Deputy Head of School (Learning & Teaching Scholarship), Griffith Law School, Griffith University
    Speaker Presentation (PDF format)




  • Queensland Inclusive Social Enterprise Project and lessons for future investment
    Andrew Hamilton, Employment Manager, Brisbane, Social Ventures Australia
    Speaker Presentation (PDF format)


  • DSP blow out – What, Why & Where to from here
    Associate Professor Roger Wilkins, Principal Research Fellow, University of Melbourne
    Speaker Presentation (PDF format)



  • Disability Employment Services 2010–2012: Findings from the interim evaluation
    Cathy Hales, Director, Specialist Employment Program Evaluation, DEEWR

    Speaker Presentation (PDF format)




Registrations now open!

Registrations for the Disability Employment Australia 2025 Conference are now open. Please contact Conference Works on 03 9870 2611 if you have any queries.

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