2023 Brisbane

Disability Employment Conference 2023 was held in Brisbane at W Hotel Brisbane on the 13th – 15th June 2023.
Click the linked headings below to view the available presentations in PDF format.

Day 1 – Plenary Sessions


Address from The Minister

Hon Amanda Rishworth
Minister for Social Services, Australian Government

The Australian economy, labour market movements, trends and indicators for disability employment

Callam Pickering
Senior Economist APAC, Indeed

The Future Direction of DEA

Thérèse Campbell
Chair, Disability Employment Australia

Peter Bacon
Chief Executive Officer, Disability Employment Australia

Panel Discussion – Working with Employers

Key Themes emerging from the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability

Kate Eastman
Counsel Assisting, Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability

“Let’s Meet” – how Love on the Spectrum has changed lives

Jodi Rodgers
Director, Birds and the Bees

Day 1 – Breakouts

Workforce Australia Update

Melissa Ryan
First Assistant Secretary, Department of Education, Skills and Employment

The IncludeAbility Illawarra Pilot

Mrs Rebecca McIntyre
Employment Services Manager, The Disability Trust Australia

Dr Dinesh Palipana
Emergency Doctor, Senior Lecturer, Senior Advisor and Ambassador, Gold Coast University Hospital, Griffith University, Gold Coast Titans Disability Rugby League Team and IncludeAbility Australia

Co-Designing Employment Supports for NDIS Participants to Transition into Work

Jotika Rama
Chief Executive Officer, back2work

Embedding inclusion and accessibility into your organisation is easier than you think

Ms Corene Strauss
Chief Executive Officer, Australian Network on Disability

Ms Debbie Heron
Regional Manager Qld/NT, Ability First Australia

Personality Matters: How DISC Styles Affect Disability Employment Outcomes

Mr James Weait
Company Director, Populi Solutions Australia

Korea Employment System for people with disabilities and a Korean perspective on employer support and employer engagement

Dr Eona Kim
Head Director, Employment Disability Institutes

Dr. Miji Lee
Research Fellow, Employment Disability Institutes

Jung Yoon
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Social Impact (CSI), Flinders University

Dr Ashokkumar Manoharan
Senior Lecturer – Strategic Management, College of Business, Government and Law, Flinders University

Reading the Tea Leaves: What the Workforce Australia Inquiry might mean for Disability Employment Services

Dr Ann Nevile
Honorary Associate Professor, The Australian National University Australia

Climate Change and Disproportionate Effect on PWD

Joel Robbie
Head of Sales and Growth, Trace
* for a copy of this presentation please email: communications@disabilityemployment.org.au

Day 2 – Plenary Sessions


MC Brett de Hoedt
Mayor, Hootville Communications

What’s next for Disability Employment Services

Katrina Chatham
A/g Group Manager, Disability Employment and Carers Group, Department of Social Services

Panel: Quality servicing & different perspectives

Sean Taylor
Executive Director Aboriginal Health, NT Health

Katrina Chatham
A/g Group Manager, Disability Employment and Carers Group, Department of Social Services

Keryl Neville
CEO, Lead Employment

Dr Ann Nevile
Honorary Associate Professor, The Australian National University

William Ward-Boas
Inclusion Australia

How can science advance disability employment

Dr Darren Coppin
CEO & Chief Behavioural Scientist, Azurum

2023: The Age of Artificial Intelligence

Professor Michael Milford
Professor, Electrical Engineering and Robotics (EER) School, Faculty of Engineering, Queensland University of Technology

Tricia Blatherwick
Chief Commercial Officer, AutogenAI

Raising awareness about the importance of inclusion and opportunity for people with disabilities

Ellie Cole OAM
Record-breaking paralympian

Closing Words

Peter Bacon
Chief Executive Officer, Disability Employment Australia

Thérèse Campbell
Chair, Disability Employment Australia

Day 2 – Breakouts

DES Session – Current program

Tanya George
A/Branch Manager, Department of Social Services

NDIS Employment Update

Jo Collins
Branch Manager Market Innovation & Employment, Provider and Markets Division, NDIS

Matching the right employers to candidates with disability: Lessons from a UK study

Dr Jo Ingold
Associate Professor, Deakin Business School Australia

Shifting the dial on employment for Australians with disability

A/Prof Sue Olney
Research Fellow, University of Melbourne

Dr Jenny Crosbie
Research Fellow, Centre for Social Impact, Swinburne University

Applying different strategies to different DES business models

Dr Iain Waller
Senior Research Associate, QUT

Amanda Beatson
Associate Professor in Marketing, QUT Business School

Reconceptualising a job interview through the use of a digital story résumé: the experiences of the viewer/recruiter

Dr Jane Turnbull
CEO / Founder, Own Words

High staff turnover in the employment services sector and strategies to address this

Mrs Helen McAnally
Founder/Director, Parkhouse Bell
United Kingdom

Gil Sebbag
National Sales Manager, Prime Super

Mr James Weait
Company Director, Populi Solutions

Dan Nicholls
Director, Salary Packaging People

Nunzia Confessore
Strategic Consultant

DEA Interactive Session – what is DSS telling us?

David Best
Policy Manager, Disability Employment Australia

Hanif Mohamed
Training Manager, Disability Employment Australia

Quality Service, intersectionality and access to services

Sean Taylor
Executive Director Aboriginal Health, NT Health

Registrations now open!

Registrations for the Disability Employment Australia 2025 Conference are now open. Please contact Conference Works on 03 9870 2611 if you have any queries.

Presenter suggestions

Who would you like to hear from at Conference? Share your suggestions here.

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