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Creating Neurodivergent Inclusive Workplaces

In this keynote, Sonny Wise, a multiply neurodivergent and disabled person, will discuss the importance of creating a neurodivergent inclusive workplace by guiding us through the why, how, what and where when it comes to neuronclusion.

Individuals can expect to walk away with an understanding of both neurodiversity and neurodivergence, how our neurodivergence can impact our experiences in the workplace and actionable insights towards building a neurodivergent inclusive workplace.



Sonny Wise

Author, advocate and public speaker

Sonny Jane Wise is a powerful voice in the neurodiversity space with a mission to challenge neuronormativity and build a neurodiversity-affirming future where neurodivergent folks are no longer labelled as disordered.  After starting their advocacy and speaking career in 2018, they have since become a relatable and passionate queer, neurodivergent and disabled public speaker with both a national and international presence.

They are a published author with their first book ”The Neurodivergent Friendly Workbook of DBT Skills” and a second just released in November 2023 called “We’re All Neurodiverse: How to Build a Neurodiversity-Affirming Future and Challenge Neuronormativity.”

Their presentations and workshops are known for being informative, captivating, and ultimately empowering, with clients such as the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, XERO and VMIAC.