Rebbecca Jurkiewicz

Training And Placement Specialist
Chapter 1 Employment

Rebbecca is a Training & Placement Specialist with Chapter 1 Employment where the team support businesses on their journey to set inclusivity as standard and helping DES Providers create career pathways for their clients.

Bec began her career as a Field Officer in Group Training on the Sunshine Coast where building relationships with local businesses and tradesmen in a regional setting was the key to creating apprenticeship pathways for young people. After 5 years and a number of performance accolades including signing up the first 100 Electrical Apprenticeships for the Sunshine Coast region, Bec moved to Brisbane and began working as a Site Manager. This would be Bec’s first time leading a contracts like DEN and Job Network using the infamous EA3000, but this move also inspired a now 18 year and growing career, who since then has undertaken leadership roles in Business Improvement and Training, National Outcomes and Claims Management and Strategy and Performance.

Bec has a lived experience of disability, injury and illness both personally and as a carer of her younger sister. She believes that this experience has only made her a better operator in employment services, a better consultant for businesses and a more passionate advocate for inclusivity.
When Bec isn’t working with the Chapter 1 team she can be found somewhere on her acreage learning how to sustainable dam management, learning how to fence, manage her growing coop of chickens and other furry creatures whilst also undertaking DIY renovations of their 1970 homestead.