
DEA’s 2024 Conference will be held on Tuesday 11 – Thursday 13 June 2024 at Grand Hyatt Melbourne

We’re excited to be providing stimulating and challenging presentations, panels and breakout sessions, with exhibitors and event partners to support your organisation.  

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Workshop, Forum & Welcome Reception

12:00 pm1:00 pm

Forum/Workshop Registration & Lunch

1:00 pm3:00 pm

The Residence

DEA’s Practitioners’ Forum in Association with genU Training

Wayne Herbert Director of Progress and Property, LEAD Disability Services

Matt Levy OAM Author, gold medal winning swimmer, motivational speaker & inclusion advocate

Lauren Peacock CEO, Institute of Capacity Building

Dan Gavin National Manager of Disability Employment, GenU Training

Paul Diviny CEO, Prospert

Rana Kordahi Reverse Marketing Sales Coach, Employment Services Training

Keryl Neville CEO, Lead Employment

Tania Jovanovska Campbell Page

Mayfair 1 Room

Tender Writing Workshop

Darren Coppin CEO & Chief Behavioural Scientist, Azurum

Jess Barwood APAC Account Manager, AutoGen AI

Malene Rohde Chief Operating Officer, Prospert

Peter Bacon Chief Executive Officer, Disability Employment Australia

Tim Flowers Principal, Insight First

3:00 pm3:20 pm

Afternoon Tea

6:00 pm8:00 pm

The Residence

Welcome Reception

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Conference Day 1

8:00 am9:00 am

Exhibition Area


9:00 am9:10 am

Savoy Ballroom

Welcome to Country

Uncle Colin Hunter Wurundjeri Elder

9:10 am9:20 am

Savoy Ballroom

Welcome – Day 1

Brett de hoedt MC, Hootville Communications

9:20 am10:00 am

Savoy Ballroom

The Disability Royal Commission: what did we learn?

Alastair McEwin AM Disability Consultant

10:00 am10:30 am

Savoy Ballroom

The Australian economy in 2024, labour market movements, trends and indicators for disability employment

Callam Pickering Senior Economist, Indeed Hiring Lab

10:30 am11:00 am

Exhibition Area

Morning Tea

11:00 am11:45 am

Savoy Ballroom

Diversity Pathways: co-designing an accessible and inclusive workplace with employers and people with cognitive disability in the hospitality and retail industries

Dr Jung Yoon Research Fellow, Centre for Social Impact (CSI), College of Business, Government, and Law, Flinders University

Dr Claire Hutchinson Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Social Impact (CSI), College of Business, Government, and Law, Flinders University

Lachlan Dunn Community Researcher, Centre for Social Impact (CSI), College of Business, Government, and Law, Flinders University

Michelle Strudwick Project Officer, Centre for Social Impact (CSI), College of Business, Government, and Law, Flinders University

Mayfair 1 Room

Shaping the workforce of tomorrow

Natalie Turmine, GAICD CEO, Service and Creative Skills Australia

Bristol Room

Building employer confidence to recruit and retain employees with communication disability and low literacy

Ashana Comport Project Worker, Speech Pathologist, Communication Access Consultant, Scope (Aust.), Australia

Jacob Matthew Project Worker, Scope Australia

11:00 am11:45 am

Savoy Ballroom

Brokering employment pathways from Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISE) to the mainstream labour market

Dr Perri Campbell Research Fellow, Centre for Social Impact (CSI), Swinburne University

Dr Jenny Crosbie Principal Industry Fellow, Centre for Social Impact (CSI), Swinburne University

11:45 am12:30 pm

Savoy Ballroom

IncludeAbility – Ensuring equality in employment

Rhiannon Walker Senior Project Officer, IncludeAbility, Disability Rights Team, Human Rights Commission

Professor Erin Wilson Director, Centre for Social Impact (CSI), Swinburne University

Mayfair 1 Room

Celebrating Abilities: The Focus on Ability Short Film Festival

Martin Wren NOVA Employment

Anne Goyer General Manager, NOVA Employment

Bristol Room

Creating a Future Together: The Journey Towards Fully Accessible Digital Spaces

Aamir Qutub CEO, Enterprise Monkey

11:45 am12:30 pm

Savoy Ballroom

Unlocking Potential: Empowering Participants and Employers

Rebecca McIntyre Employment Services Manager, The Disability Trust

12:30 pm1:30 pm

Exhibition Area


1:30 pm1:35 pm

Savoy Ballroom

Platinum Sponsor Address

Dan Gavin National Manager of Disability Employment, GenU Training

1:35 pm2:15 pm
2:15 pm3:15 pm

Savoy Ballroom

Panel Session – Unpacking DES Reform

Catherine McAlpine CEO, Inclusion Australia

Mathew McIntyre Executive General Manager, The Disability Trust

Dr Ann Nevile Social Policy Researcher, ANU

Peter Bacon Chief Executive Officer, Disability Employment Australia

Suzanne Colbert AM, GAICD Advisor, NED, Founder and former CEO of AND, and Inaugural DEA chairperson

Professor Erin Wilson Director, Centre for Social Impact (CSI), Swinburne University

3:15 pm3:45 pm

Exhibition Area

Afternoon Tea

3:45 pm4:20 pm

Savoy Ballroom

Adversity, Resilience and Success

Balendran Thavarajah CEO, GetMee

4:20 pm5:00 pm

Savoy Ballroom

In our words

Wayne Herbert Director of Progress and Property, LEAD Disability Services

Yenn Purkis Autistic author and advocate

Alastair McEwin AM Disability Consultant

6:30 pm11:00 pm

Savoy Ballroom

Gala Dinner & Hall of Fame Ceremony

Thursday 13 June 2024

Conference Day 2

7:00 am7:45 am

Savoy Room 3

Yoga – Sponsored by Populi (registration essential)

Aaron Petty Om Som Yoga & Ayurveda

8:00 am9:00 am

Exhibition Area


9:00 am9:15 am

Savoy Rooms 1 & 2

Welcome & Acknowledgement of Country

Brett de hoedt MC, Hootville Communications

9:15 am10:00 am

Savoy Rooms 1 & 2

DES Reform

Kellie Spence General Manager – Disability Employment Group, Department of Social Services

10:00 am10:30 am

Savoy Rooms 1 & 2

Creating Neurodivergent Inclusive Workplaces

Sonny Wise Author, advocate and public speaker

10:30 am11:00 am

Exhibition Area

Morning Tea

11:00 am11:30 am

Savoy Rooms 1 & 2

Getting ready for the sub 8 hour benchmark participants – how do we effectively work with these clients?

Catherine McAlpine CEO, Inclusion Australia

Luke Nelson Policy Officer, Inclusion Australia

11:30 am12:30 pm

Savoy Rooms 1 & 2

What do good quality jobs look like for People with Disabilities?

Professor Jo Ingold Professor, Australian Catholic University

Daniel Valiente-Riedl General Manager, JobAccess, Australia

Saraya O’Connell General Manager, Hotel Etico Australia

Dr Karina Davis CEO, Jobs Bank

Joshua Bamford Human Resources Director, M&H Ward Group

Rebbecca Jurkiewicz Training And Placement Specialist, Chapter 1 Employment

12:30 pm1:15 pm

Exhibition Area


1:15 pm2:00 pm

Savoy Rooms 1 & 2

A systemic change approach: explore and improve school to work transition for young people with disability

A/Prof Sue Olney UoM-BSL Principal Research Fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia

Sinead Gibney-Hughes Senior Policy Officer, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Australia

Michelle Wakeford Senior Advisor Youth Transition Disability, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Australia

Mayfair 1 Room

Performance measures and other program updates

Pene Futcher Branch Manager, Department of Social Services

Savoy Room 3

Getting workplace adjustments out of the “too hard” basket

Dr Catherine Maitland Research Lead, Australian Disability Network

Bristol Room

Vocational supports within a person’s primary human service- the headspace experience

Carolyn Watts Head of Vocational Programs, headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation, Australia

Karen Fletcher National Manager for Work and Study Online, headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation

2:00 pm2:45 pm

Savoy Rooms 1 & 2

The importance of employment in the NDIS

Mary Hawkins Director of Engagement, Employment Outcomes, National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)

Mayfair 1 Room

Partnering with employers

Suzanne Colbert AM, GAICD Advisor, NED, Founder and former CEO of AND, and Inaugural DEA chairperson

Savoy Room 3

New tools for commissioning services for complex clients

Professor Mark Considine Australian political scientist

Bristol Room

DES Reform and what it means for the Sector

David Best Policy Manager, Disability Employment Australia

Mayfair 2 Room

Australian and International Service Delivery Models that support participant’s back to work

Dr Kylie Henderson Adjunct Research Fellow, USQ

2:45 pm3:15 pm

Exhibition Area

Afternoon Tea

3:15 pm3:45 pm

Savoy Rooms 1 & 2

Pop Culture & Policy – Why Visibility of Disability Matters

Lisa Cox Inclusive Communications Professional

3:45 pm3:55 pm

Savoy Rooms 1 & 2

Closing Remarks

David Coles DEA Board, Disability Employment Australia

3:45 pm4:15 pm

Exhibition Area


For program information, please contact our Policy Manager, David Best 0400 867 656,

Registrations now open!

Registrations for the Disability Employment Australia 2024 Conference are now open. Please contact Conference Works on 03 9870 2611 if you have any queries.

Presenter suggestions

Who would you like to hear from at Conference? Share your suggestions here.

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